공유 양식

본 기능은 Misskey v13에서 이용할 수 없습니다. 다만 링크는 살아있는 것으로 확인되어 있습니다.

When you open /share in Misskey Web, you can open a sharing submission form. This sharing form is useful if you want users to share the content of your page with Misskey from an external web page.

You can specify a number of options for the URL, including the shared content as a query parameter.

Query parameters

All parameters are optional.

titletitle, will be inserted before the main body in brackets
textmain body
urlURL, inserted after the main body

Reply information

You can make the note being composed a reply to a given note by specifying one of the following.

replyIdID of the note you are replying to
replyUriURL to reply to (specify the remote note object)

Renote information

You can make the note being composed a renote of a given note by specifying one of the following.

renoteIdID of the note to renote
renoteUriURL of the note to renote(specify the remote note object)

Publication Scope

The following options allow to select a scope.

visibilityone of public, home, followers, specified
localOnly0(false) or 1(true)
visibleUserIdstarget user IDs
visibleAcctstarget user accts (comma separated)

If visibility is set to specified, either visibleUserIds or visibleAccts must be set too.


You can specify attachments with the following options.

fileIdsIDs of files to be attached (comma separated)